Pure Meditation
Pure Meditation
The Science of Raja~Kriya Yoga
We have within us a great store of peace, unconditional love and wisdom. Yet so many people feel a disconnect from these qualities which are so very much a part of us. Pure Meditation will connect you to the very essence of yourself, allowing you to find your true self – to distinguish what is really you and let go of what is not.
The truest beauty is in the change that takes place within a person who has put Pure Meditation into their everyday life.
Mata Yogananda
Pure Meditation Course
raja~kriya yoga

Pure Meditation will give you everything you need to grow in mind, body and spirit and for those who desire to find Self-Realization in this lifetime.
Pure Meditative Peace
1-hour class

Pure Meditative Peace is a good way to begin your journey to help you find peace, improve concentration and manage stress. 1:1 and group classes available.
Meditation Evenings
Sundays 7 pm

We warmly welcome you to our Open Meditation Evenings, whether you are an experienced meditator, new to meditation or just wish for somewhere to sit in peace.
Why Meditate?
Many are searching for peace and purpose in their life yet struggle to find fulfillment. Pure Meditation is the ancient science of Raja~Kriya Yoga, brought into the context of the present times we live in through Self-Realized Master Mata Yogananda Mahasaya Dharma. Pure Meditation opens the door to let your true self shine forth and your potential unfold.
We have within a great store of peace, unconditional love and wisdom. Yet many do not know what it is to feel these qualities which are so very much at the heart of who we are. How do we find this? The Pure Meditation Course and Retreat will give you the way to know who you are at your very essence and deepen your sense of self and your relationship with life.
Learn to be master of your mind, balance your energies. Develop your intuition and feel the joy of life.
Pure Meditation

What is Pure Meditation?
Many things can be referred to as meditation – walking in nature, swimming, listening to beautiful music, visualization – and they are certainly all beneficial to help find a level of peace and meditative state. However, true Meditation gives you all you need to go much deeper, accessing your true nature. Pure Meditation is the crown jewel that will help you to develop your intuition, open your heart and take charge of your own life.
Pure Meditation, the science of Raja~Kriya Yoga, is for all who are seeking more from life than just the material aspects and to connect with the deeper, loving Higher Power within.
How will Pure Meditation help me in my life?
During the week, alongside learning the practice of Pure Meditation, you will also receive all you need in knowledge and a DIY kit of tools to use throughout the day and night. These will help you to master and balance your thoughts and energies so you can truly live in the fullest sense. The positive effect this will have on your life shows itself in work, relationships, health and happiness. Find meaning and purpose in all that you do.
What can I expect on the Course?
The Pure Meditation Course is held over five days, with students arriving on a Sunday afternoon to settle in for the week ahead and leave Saturday morning after breakfast. The course runs from 10.00 am – 5.30 pm Monday – Friday with breaks. In the morning and evenings there are group meditations allowing you to practice what you are learning through the week and establish a daily routine for your meditation. Students find this helpful for maintaining a meditation practice following the course. Support is always available for when you need it.
Accommodation and meals are lovingly provided including dietary requirements and any needs you may have.
Tools for Life’s Challenging Situations
During the week you will receive the supreme gift of Pure Meditation, energy care tools to help you rectify and maintain your balance in life through all its challenging situations, and receive practical and in-depth knowledge to help in all matters of mind, body and spirit.
Speak with a teacher
Upcoming Pure Meditation Courses
Pure Meditative Peace Classes

Wanting to begin your Meditation journey? Wondering where to start? Pure Meditative Peace is a good way to begin your journey to help you find peace, improve concentration and manage stress. These hour-long classes are taught individually and in groups, in-person and online. You will be taught about how to prepare, how to find your posture for sitting in meditative state, a technique for concentrating the mind and how to look after your energy following your practice. Follow-up questions to your practice are always welcome.
Pure Meditative Peace can be practiced anywhere, anytime for as little or as long as you wish.
We welcome you to contact us to make a booking.
Open Meditation Evenings

We warmly welcome you to Open Meditation Evenings. Whether you are an experienced meditator or new to meditation, Pure Wellness offers space for you to sit in the peace.
Open Meditation Evenings begin with a warm welcome to our home. There is an inspiring recorded talk by Mata Yogananda to begin the Meditation followed by time in the silence. You are welcome to stay for as little or as long as you wish.
The meditation room at Pure Wellness is warm and inviting and there are different seating options for your comfort.
There is no charge to attend. You are welcome to let us know if you would like to join us, or simply turn up any Sunday night. ♡
Upcoming Open Meditation Evenings

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